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Donnie Group 1st at Erie Shores KC
8 weeks old
16 weeks old
7 months old
Donnie is a New Champion!
Donnie at the AWC National 2018
12 months old
Donnie on the move
AWC National Specialty 2020
Donnie loves playing ball!
WD at Purina National 2019
Oct 2022 - 5 years old

AmCh. GCh. Wunder Forgetmenot Adonis ROM



Pedigree Link


Donnie is from the first litter at Wunder sired by our Portuguese import Oscar (AmCh. PortCh. Night Flyer Da Roseira Brava), out of our lovely Paris (Wunder Forgetmenot In Paris).  Donnie's gorgeous curves, beautiful head, big dark eyes and lovely movement are strengths of both Paris and Oscar, and exactly what we hoped for when we brought together these very different pedigrees.


Donnie caught our eyes as a young pup, and we haven't been able to take our eyes off him since!  He finished his Canadian Championship at 10 months of age, winning Best of Breed from the classes and a Group 3rd.  His first weekend out as a special he again won Best of Breed in a beautiful line up at the prestigious Erie Shores Kennel Club, and took a Group 1st over 170 hounds including some of the top dogs in North America!  He finished his Grand Championship at just 13 months of age, his first weekend shown after he was old enough to qualify and has since earned a US championship as well.


Where Donnie has really shone brightest however has been his influence as a sire.  He has produced AWC Top 20 and Best In Specialty winning offspring and recently earned the AWC ROM title, something we are extremely proud of for him as we believe he is the only Canadian bred dog to date to achieve this.


Donnie is not only beautiful, but super sweet and an enthusiastic athlete.  His favorite activities are playing fetch and snuggling, and he does both with gusto. 


Donnie Fun Facts:  Nicknames include Don Don, Little D and D-man.  Donnie loves his toys and can usually either be found hanging out in his crate with a collection of his favorite toys or outside running around with a ball or toy in his mouth. 


Donnie is up to date on all health clearances (BAER normal 2018, CAER normal October 2023, ECHO normal January 2023).  Since Donnie has now achieved ROM status we have decided to retire him from public stud, though we have banked frozen semen for future generations.

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